Sunday, March 8, 2020

One word substitution

One word substitution

One who fishesh with the rod_          Angler

One who believes in faith_            Fatalist

A person who is devoted to the welfare of women_Feminist

One engaged to be Married_Fionce

A lover of food abd drink_gourmet

One who eats too much_Glutton

Is the most important thing in life_Hedonist

Born of unmarried parents_Illegitimate

One person who can not read or write_illiterate

One who comes in to a foreign country to settle there_Immigrant

Born of married parents_Legitimate

A hater of womane_ Misanthropist

A hater of marriage_Misogamist

One who believes in one god_Monotheist

One new to anything_novice

One who can eat everything_Omnivorous

One who makees an eloquent public speachOrator

One who is most powerfull_Omnipotent

One who looks on the bright side of thingsOptimist

A child whose parents or dead_Orphan

One who flyies an airplane_Pilot

One who walks on foot_Pedestrian

One who belives that nothing can be known about God_Agnostic

A person who is between 13 to 18 year_Adolescent

One who does not belive in existence of god_Atheist

One who is appointed by parties to settle disputes_Arbitrator

One who can use both hands with equall iase_Ambidextrous

One who devotes his life to the welfare and intersts of other people_Altruist

A lover of book_Bibiliophile

A person who is forced by law to become a soldier_conscript

One who believes in keeping thing as they are _Conseniaative

ONe who mends shoos_Cobbler

One who is hundred years old_Centenarian

One who lives on flesh_carnivorous

persons who wark in the same department of an office_Colleagues

One who has special skill in judging art,music,thats etc_Connoisseur

One who is always finding fanlt_onsorious

One who derive motor car_chauffeur

Shy,timid,to face a situation_Diffident

One who looks at everything from a personal point of view_Egocentric

One who banished from his home or his country_Exile